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Preliminary Water Use Reduction Targets for California Cities

A preliminary recommendation of water reduction targets has been released by the State Water Resources Control Board. Their recommendations-assign water use reduction targets for cities in proportion to how much water their respective residents use. The recommendations will be voted on next month. The reductions range from 10 to 35 percent and were calculated based on per-person, per-day water use in September 2014. - Below are the biggest cities in each water reduction category, as ranked by total gallons of water used, listed with their summer per-capita daily consumption in gallons: Agency, County, Per-Capita Water Use (Gallons), Reduction Target, Previous Reduction Target San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, San Francisco, 45, 8%, 10% City of Hayward, Alameda, 51, 8%, 10% California Water Service Company East Los Angeles, Los Angeles, 62, 8%, 10% --- City of Santa Ana, Orange, 78, 12%, 20% City of Oxnard, Ventura, 67, 12%, 20% Sweetwater Authority, San Diego, 76, 12%, 20% --- Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Los Angeles, 91, 16%, 20% City of San Diego, San Diego, 82, 16%, 20% East Bay Municipal Utilities District, Alameda, 94, 16%, 20% San Jose Water Co., Santa Clara, 106, 20%, 20% City of Anaheim, Orange, 109, 20%, 20% Helix Water District, San Diego, 104, 20%, 20% --- City of Ontario, San Bernardino, 127, 24%, 25% Valencia Water Co., Los Angeles, 127, 24%, 25% Suburban Water Systems San Jose Hills, Santa Clara, 120, 24%, 25% --- City of Fresno, Fresno, 151, 28%, 25% City of Sacramento, Sacramento, 146, 28%, 25% Eastern Municipal Water District, Riverside, 131, 28%, 25% --- California Water Service Company Bakersfield, Kern, 198, 32%, 35% Cucamonga Valley Water District, San Bernardino, 199, 32%, 35% City of San Bernardino, San Bernardino, 212, 32%, 25% --- Coachella Valley Water District, Riverside, 475, 36%, 35% Rancho California Water District, Riverside, 349, 36%, 35% City of Modesto, Stanislaus, 246, 36%, 35%, SOURCE: State Water Resources Control Board Read more here:

April 9, 2015   |  

Responses To Preliminary Water Use Reduction Targets for California Cities


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